Impossible Solution #3224 - Cellular Network Heat Sink
They gave us this:
Make us a high tolerance part for the cellular phone industry that will be used in a very demanding service environment. Its purpose is to dissipate heat from the main computer chip in antenna booster stations that drive the cellular network.
We did this:
PSM knew that aluminum die castings had been attempted, but lacked the thermal conductivity to be an effective heat remover. PSM also knew the part had been machined from high conductivity copper, but the cost was prohibitive. Using the power of powdered metal technology, PSM created a repeatable high tolerance part from a high conductivity material. The part is less than 10% of the cost of machining from bar stock with no waste.
We got this:
New P/M heat sink met or exceeded all expectations and is now in use worldwide. There are no field failures. And the part won PSM the prestigious MPIF P/M Design Competition in the Nonferrous Category for 1999.
PSM was Challenged! PSM Delivered!
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